'How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world'
-Anne Frank.






'A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.'
-Carl Sandburg.






'We really don't learn from our experiences. We only learn from reflecting on our experiences.'
-Robert Sinclair.






'I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.'
-Edward E hale.

Programs and services
 What we do

Making a difference in a homeless child's life:

HUT America's mission is to create loving homes and competent educational opportunities to the AIDS infected /orphaned children. We aim to deliver high-quality, compassionate and comprehensive health care to the AIDS infected community in India. We also try to provide homeless HIV children in India with comfort, safety, love, reassurance . .. . and a hug when needed. We achieve these goals through the following activities:

Building shelters for HIV kids and homeless in India:

HUT America's main objective is to build homes for the homeless and HIV orphaned children who have been ostracized by their own relatives and live on the streets. These homes will give shelter and provide the children with all their basic requirements such as beds, blankets, daily nutritional meals and snacks (served piping hot, and with a big smile), clean clothing, and large doses of individual attention to make each person feel special. Cultural and enrichment activities (including weekly field trips), will also be available, plus medical checkups, counseling for psycho social support, bereavement counseling and physical exercise to keep up their health.

Building a school that provides competent education to the HIV kids:

HUT America's shelters would be harmonized by a school that would provide a competent skillful education for the orphaned kids. The school would provide a quality English medium education to these unfortunate children to access high quality education which will revolutionize their lives. There will be a continuum of education and we plan to provide these children with industrial training later on for great job opportunities.

Building a comprehensive hospital for HIV patients:

HUT America's next objective would be to build a state of the art treatment hospital in a community setting, which includes all services for HIV. Sadly, HIV patients have been discriminated by private physicians and they also fail to receive reliable treatment at the government hospitals. Hence, a hospital with all its investigation techniques, treatments for infection, pain management, nursing care to relieve discomfort, joint stiffness etc, would be built. This hospital would provide palliative care counseling for patients and families, would assist with legal and technical arrangements for end of life, and Home Based Care Training for the caretakers.

Food and clothing drive:

HUT America plans to provide the homeless with clothing and blankets for their daily requirement. At our Hut India Shelter, we plan to load up bags of nonperishable groceries, and donate it to the homeless, including dry cereals, fruits and vegetables, and dried fruits. Homeless children have few possessions --if any-- including toys. Often these children have nothing to play with and little to occupy their time. HUT America plans to donate toys, books, and games to these homeless HIV children in India.

Comprehensive Social Services for the Family:

HUT America recognizes that breaking the cycle of homelessness requires an intensive, whole family approach. Homeless who come to our HUT India shelters will be assisted in finding jobs, locating affordable housing, interacting with other social service agencies, and dealing with personal, legal or domestic difficulties.

They would be provided a full range of social services for them, including:

  • Job search help
  • Parenting classes
  • Legal aid
  • Self-esteem classes
  • Medical attention
  • Personal counseling
  • Financial management counseling

Our goal is to help families achieve long-term self-sufficiency in order to break the cycle of homelessness permanently.

Parent Support Group:

The Parent Support Group helps parents deal with the overwhelming anxiety and frustration caused by homelessness. It will focus on developing "coping" skills related to good parenting techniques, such as effective parent-child communication, and explain what to expect from the ages and stages of child development. The support group strengthens the entire family (including the children), and increases positive functioning.

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Create a safe, loving homes for the AIDS infected, orphaned children, where each child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential in their personal, educational and emotional life.

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